Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Blank Parchment.

This parchment blank, stared at me, willing me to pick up my pen,
But the rain driblets pelting against the banister refused to let go,
And as the petrichor warmed up the air and reached me,
I felt my mind going back to the countless seamless thoughts….

Those old memoirs, those small notes on chits of paper,
Some unsaid conversations, some untold musings,
Those unfinished stories, those dried up rose petals..
All bringing up that lingering scent old…

As the droplets picked up pace, and splashed against my face,
I tried to gather up my thoughts, and those emotions left unspoken,
When I realized that those unexpressed sorrows within me,
Were out of my eyes and amalgamating with the rain haze..

I come back to this parchment now, and as I hold up my pen,
I find those emotions galore dribbling over my fingers..
I start moving my pen across, and those tears start unfurling,
I let them unfurl and unroll, without any cease..

And make this wish, that when I close my eyes,
This halo of sentiments would be over and my mind rest appeased.

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